Greetings unto the finest Populace in An Tir! It is time for the ever anticipated customary review.
**Please read this entire post before you begin your review*
1. As mentioned previously- this process was started a bit over a month ago by myself, our Baron, Baron Finn, our Seneschal and Companion Selene of 3M. We reviewed the most recent document and made suggested edits (which are recorded below) to help accelerate this process.
2. This is an ONLINE only commentary process. The link below will allow you to comment on any part of the document you like. Once the commentary period is over (Midnight 09/30/2017) the commentary will be reviewed and changes made by a public meeting, no new debate/discussion will be addressed at the meeting. The final consensus copy will be presented at the October Dragon’s Mist counsel for a ratification vote.
Google Document with Edits for Commentary
3. Any citizen of Dragon’s Mist is welcome to provide input, however please keep this civil and remember the ideals of our society.
4. If you would prefer to read a version without the edits, or need a PDF copy with edits:
5. Any language that you see here that is italicized is considered legal for kingdom or corpora purposes and it not going to be open for debate or change.
6. If you would prefer to not make comments publicly, please send an email to the Baron, myself and our lovely Seneschal.
Please let any of the 3 of us know if you have questions,
Yours in Service,
Baroness Ana De la Sara