Greetings to our most Amazing Populace in Dragon’s Mist!!!
I got the chance to call and talk with our amazing Kingdom Seneschal this evening to ask what was going on with our Baronial polling and wanted to share the information with which I was able to come away.
Here is the story:
1. There are 5 Baronies right now that have or are polling currently.
The Kingdom Seneschal is receiving the polling forms, tallying the “can and can’t supports” and then scanning each one and sending the digital copies to TRM’s to read. This is due to issues with mailing, etc.
FYI: Per corpora, if the populace overwhelmingly (IE majority) doesn’t support a set of candidates, TRM’s CANNOT override that pair, so- they use the polling forms to make a decision between all other sets of candidates.
Currently they are reading 5 Barony’s worth of commentary…
2. Because we are functioning from a vastly different place than we normally do, we (the Kingdom) are required to submit written permission requests to the BOD for every variance we make to the way business is conducted in the Kingdom.
These variance requests must:
1: Describe and justify what the difference is
2: Propose a plan of action for making that change (implementation, policies, limitations, etc)
At this time, we still do not even have a variance for KINGDOM courts at this time, let alone Baronial. So- the Kingdom Seneschal (HERO) is taking on the gargantuan task of writing up 1 BIG variance to ask for Kingdom and Baronial Courts.
Now, This may seem to us like it is taking forever compared to other kingdoms, HOWEVER:
1) Only about 10 of the 20 Kingdoms have submitted ANY Variance requests so far.
2) The first kingdom to do so was Atenveldt, so their policies/procedures became a bit of the standard.
3) Atenveldt only has 6 Baronies, so it’s much simpler to write and More importantly enforce/execute convoluted restrictions on their groups that fit the BOD’s bill.
4) An Tir has 16 Baronies, and 2 Principalities, and based on Atenveldt’s standards that is a full time job,
so our Seneschal is looking for a way to make this work with such a large set of groups.
When we DO get this permission, it is not as simple as “Hey y ‘all I’m live on FB! Let us do COURT!”
SO- once all that is hashed out and a variance is granted, then our Lovely Majesties would like to do a court of their own, Once they are confident that a plan is in place and we can manage all of these the restrictions, and they can realistically SCHEDULE the changeover dates, THEN they can announce the polling results.
Our Majesties and Kingdom Seneschal are doing a bang up job in such a complicated situation, and they are trying to make sure we do things the right way, this may take longer than we’d like, but it will ultimately be the best thing for our People and the Happiness of the Kingdom across the board.
I hope this helps alleviate some questions, if you have more please contact myself, Jose or our awesome Seneschal and we will seek out Answers for you as best we can!
Yours in Service,
Ana de la Sara,
Dragon’s Mist, An Tir.